Find your state, city, or county

Use the search at the top of every page, or visit the Find a Location page to see a list of all locations that currently appear in the database.

Keep in mind

Not every U.S. city or county currently appears in the database, though we will be adding more locations over time.

See what we’re tracking

Population data chart example

Population data


View a city, county, or state’s population by race and Hispanic origin, and compare to similarly-sized cities in the database.


The Census asks about race and Hispanic origin in separate questions, so the numbers shown may not equal the total population (due to respondents identifying as both Hispanic and a non-white race category).

Screen shot of example police staffing data

Full-time law enforcement staffing levels

SOURCE: Federal Bureau of Investigation Crime Data API

See how many officers and civilian staff are employed by your local law enforcement agency, and how the data compare to national averages.

Keep in mind

Not every law enforcement agency participates in this data collection, in part because the FBI recently transitioned to a new reporting system, NIBRS. National comparisons are only available at the city and state levels.

Screen shot of example grant funding over time charts

Federal grant funding


Learn about your police department’s grant funding and explore the data for each grant on  

Keep in mind

We are only able to track a subset of all possible funding sources—the ones we think are most likely to fund law enforcement agencies—so the true total of funding may be higher than shown. One large source of federal funding includes UASI grants from DHS. Because these are made to a region-wide entity, we have elected to allocate a region's UASI grant to the largest law enforcement entity in the region. In some locations, we conduct additional queries against recipient ID numbers, so be cautious about drawing comparisons between locations.

Screen shot of military equipment transfer section of the Tampa, FL page

Military equipment transfers

SOURCE: Defense Logistics Agency, LESO public information

See excess military equipment that has been transferred to your local law enforcement agency through the 1033/LESO program.

Keep in mind

Not every police department participates in the 1033/LESO program. Additionally, the total values listed only include non-controlled items transferred within the past year—so the true historical value of these transfers is likely larger than the snapshot presented here.

Screen shot of misconduct and settlements data

Police misconduct settlements and consent decrees

SOURCE: Public reporting, collected by Thurgood Marshall Institute staff

Review police misconduct settlements by your local law enforcement agency that resulted in compensation to victims or policy changes. Also available are consent decrees that local law enforcement agencies have entered into with the Department of Justice. 

Keep in mind

The amount of information available will vary widely between locations, and is based on public reporting, so this collection likely will not include all settlements.

Understand differences between state, county, and city-level reporting

This chart provides an overview of what the data in each section include, depending on whether you are viewing a state, county, or city page:

Data presented State County City
Population by race and Hispanic origin Population of state Population of county Population of city
Law enforcement staffing data (Data limited to participating agencies) Aggregate of all law enforcement agencies in the state Listed county-level sheriff or police department listed only, NOT including other state or city-level police presence within the county Listed city police department only, not including any county or state-level police presence
Federal grant funding Grants awarded at the state level, not the total of all grant funding in the state.
Military equipment transfers Military equipment transferred to state police, not the aggregate for the state.
Police misconduct and settlements See details in item descriptions and linked content

Population by race and Hispanic origin

  • State:Population of state
  • County:Population of county
  • City:Population of city

Law enforcement staffing data

  • State:Aggregate of all law enforcement agencies in the state
  • County:Listed county-level sheriff or police department listed only, NOT including other state or city-level police presence within the county
  • City:Listed city police department only, not including any county or state-level police presence

Federal grant funding

  • State:Grants awarded at the state level, not the total of all grant funding in the state.
  • County:Listed county-level sheriff or police department listed only, NOT including other state or city-level police presence within the county
  • City:Listed city police department only, not including any county or state-level police presence

Military equipment transfers

  • State:Military equipment transferred to state police, not the aggregate for the state.
  • County:Listed county-level sheriff or police department listed only, NOT including other state or city-level police presence within the county
  • City:Listed city police department only, not including any county or state-level police presence

Police misconduct and settlements

See details in item descriptions and linked content.

If you have questions or think there are missing data for your location that should be added to the database, contact us at [email protected].